This is the website for Mark Courtney Francombe. Experimental Looping guitarist, Lo Fi Film-maker and maker of small cheezy collections of detritus and miscellany. Oh.. Creative Director at Transform AS company and Dad to Nikolas.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Im finally trying to get my rack in a sensible and organised way. First by sorting out my pedalboard, which I never really finished, power supplies being the real pain in the ass, so i have splashed out and bought a flatliner, which hopefully will solve all my needs.
Then I have to tidy up my rack, this I am very unsure about. Either I buy a new rack with an angled mixer top to it (which I can't find except for the crappy skb ones) or I keep my current BIG skb OR I sell my skb and put all my stuff back into my old battered homemade and super back-breaking wooden rack. Advantages? I can drill it, hammer it, and generally mangle it till it meets my needs. PLUS it lloks pretty Mad-Max ha ha AND I can sell my old old SKB rack and save for new stuff (which of course will fill up my rack meaning I'll have to buy a new one...

Must remember to book some more gigs at Sound of Mu...

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