This is the website for Mark Courtney Francombe. Experimental Looping guitarist, Lo Fi Film-maker and maker of small cheezy collections of detritus and miscellany. Oh.. Creative Director at Transform AS company and Dad to Nikolas.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Mail to fosmark

From: Mark Francombe
Sent: Fri 6/4/2004 11:31 AM
To: ''
Cc: 'Hilde Norrgrén'
Subject: RE: Maridalsveien 161

Dear Mr Fosmark,

Thank you for your letter dated 1st June. I assume that you received my e-mail at about the same time.

It seems strange to us that you have missed our main point, as written in our letter and my recent e-mail to you, namely that we want to go though with our agreement that the division shall happen in one step only, so that we get a separate "gårds- og bruksnummer" immediately.

We still consider this agreement to be valid, and as we have stated in every correspondence we have had with you about this, we will only consider a division in two stages if the current agreement, made in your office, in the presence of yourself, Erik Selvig and our legal advisor Mr Atle

Berentsen, and us, should prove to be for some reason impossible to go through with.

We still cannot see that we have received any documentation showing that this change in our agreement is necessary. Atle Berentsen was, shortly after the

agreement was made, assured by Inger-Anne Cederstrøm in Plan og Bygningsetaten that there should be no hindrance to going through with this.

In order that the matter can be resolved as efficiently as possible, I invite you to call me by telephone with any query that you may have.

Yours sincerely

Mark Francombe Hilde Norrgrén

Mark's Mobile 98296008

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