This is the website for Mark Courtney Francombe. Experimental Looping guitarist, Lo Fi Film-maker and maker of small cheezy collections of detritus and miscellany. Oh.. Creative Director at Transform AS company and Dad to Nikolas.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I´m pretty prolific now huh? This movie was shot late in 2007, and the music comes from last year sometime. The whole edit took about 2 hours, and most of that was colourising. I am very proud of it, I love to throw things together and see what magical things happen. In this case we start with various shots of show, including one timelapse shot where I went outside and dumped the camera on the car roof. Look closely and you can se the heat of the camera melt the snow, and "settle the camera". There is footage shot on my tram ride to work, and it culminates in shots of the chrismas tree. So we can say that this film shows the last day before Christmas.

SNOW from Mark Francombe on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw-some-aw-inspiringe-aaaw...snow. You really captured a certain mood and atmosphere. Loved the visuals, they are hypnotic.
