This is the website for Mark Courtney Francombe. Experimental Looping guitarist, Lo Fi Film-maker and maker of small cheezy collections of detritus and miscellany. Oh.. Creative Director at Transform AS company and Dad to Nikolas.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


On Monday, Hilde and I finally tied the knot!!! It was a quiet do, but very pleasant. A quick trip to the Tinghus (picture) and then back to the house where Hildes cousin Toini had prepared a lovely meal!!!
It feels good!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mark. At last : )
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
I still remember you.
Love from Pepe 1963 Barcelona

mark said...

Hey Pepe!!! Thanks!!
Please get in touch!!!

steve austin said...

Hey mark,congratulations,thinking of you,all the best for 2009,im now a film student,ginns has my e.mail address.lots of the ol love,steve austin

Anonymous said...

Hello Mark,
I have problems to send you a messege from your "send me a mail" of your page.
I send you me email. I think is the best way to get in touch with you.
63 forever